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Our company is engaged in the production of high quality household goods and we are looking for partners to sell our products on mutually beneficial terms.
All products are certified. The range is constantly expanding.

Benefits of cooperation

Flexible discount system, high profitability, advertising support, high-quality products, individual conditions, logistics.

Our range:  

-Garbage bags

- Kitchen sponges

- Bath sponges



-Food film

- Viscose napkins

- Rags for the floor

- Disposable tablecloths

-Liquid soap

APPtrade  provides Private Label services.

Benefits for the TM owner:

  • expansion of commodity positions;

  • reduction in the cost of goods;

  • The uniqueness of the products;

  • Quick launch of new commodity items without own production;

  • Certified Products

Using the Private Label service you save money and time.

Якорь 1
Якорь 2

* Kitchen sponges - a large assortment of different sizes and packaging.

*Bathing sponges - Excellent quality and wide selection

*Metal ruffs - high-quality material and packaging


* Stretch film-  food and industrial

* Foil - food of various windings

* Parchment - food grade without a sleeve and on a sleeve of different winding


* Garbage bags - high-quality bags from 35 liters to 240 liters with different types on a roll.

* Garbage bags with ties - New production and the best quality of the bag in Ukraine

The whole range can be produced according to your requirement, different design, color, shape, density.

Any questions?

Call for detailed information
+38(096) 65-75-823
Bashmakov Evgeny.

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